Collision sub-component setup failed on node "chassis", while accessing it i

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Collision sub-component setup failed on node "chassis", while accessing it i

Post by ZgreDziu »

Hi, I was trying to export my car, but after the try i got an error claiming " "Collision sub-component setup failed on node "chassis", while accessing it in group mode. file:RageExportCollision.cpp line:944"
Does anybody know how to repair it?
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Re: Collision sub-component setup failed on node "chassis", while accessing it i

Post by Oleg »

your collision object for chassis (the "chassis [COL]") is probably made as a group of collision elements. It is OK to have it combined, but one entry of this group is not suitable to be a collision. In particular, it might be a compound object or a group itself. Collision be made as a group of sub-components can utilize geometry objects and dummy objects as group elements.

I would suggest to dismiss COL compound and ungroup it. Then ensure the set of objects you get after ungrouping does not contain any compounds (bold name) or groups (underlined name). Then select these components and group them again; then convert to COL compound.
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