ZModeler3 rendering routines were updated to support post-render effects. This includes changes in engine, shaders and viewports rendering code, so the tiny visual update require version change to 3.3.1. It is advised to have this version unpacked into a different folder, so ZModeler will not use your current compiled cache of shaders code.
You can enable/disable this rendering feature by toggling "Ghost outlines and Silhouettes" option in Rendering Device options window:

Like the previous version 3.3.0, the minimum OS requirement for ZModeler 3.3.1 to run is Windows 8.1 and DirectX 11. Your .z3d files from version 3.3.0 are fully forward- and backward-compatible with current version of ZModeler. The backward-only compatibility still applies to .z3d file from 3.2.1 and earlier versions.
As this have been causing problems for some users already, I state this here explicitly:
Do not unpack ZModeler 3.3.1 files into the folder of ZModeler 3.2.1 or earlier versions!
Create a new empty folder for ZModeler 3.3.1 (perfectly not on a system drive) and unpack files into empty folder. You can copy your ZModeler_profile.xml file from an old installation to retain your preferences and settings.
Download the latest ZModeler3 version:
64-bit version: Download ZModeler 3.3.1 (~22Mb)
32-bit version: Download ZModeler 3.3.1 (~16Mb)
Version 3.3.0 is available for download via direct links below.
In case you get problems with this release, you can still use ZModeler 3.3.0.
64-bit version: Download ZModeler 3.3.0 (20.39Mb)
32-bit version: Download ZModeler 3.3.0 (16.37Mb)
Version 3.2.1 is still available for download via direct links below.
In case you might get problems with this release, you can still use ZModeler 3.2.1 (or if you still run Windows 7 on your computer, this is the only option).
64-bit version: Download ZModeler 3.2.1 (20.26Mb)
32-bit version: Download ZModeler 3.2.1 (15.54Mb)
Changes log.
Version 3.3.1 Build 1242
- Shaders updated for dual render target rendering to generate an image and post-fx layer.
- A ghost glow effect around highlighted, selected or mentioned object(s) can be drawn. Color, strength and opacity can be adjust in Settings->General->Views->Nodes (common)->Highlight->Silhouette branch.
- A semitransparent tint is drawn through solid objects for other active/selected/mentioned elements. This makes elements behind some solid geometry visually distinguishable.
- Views layout management updated: split mode "three vertical panes" and "three horizontal panes" is no longer available. This layout can still be loaded from an old .z3d file with no issue, but you can't split any view this way anymore.
- Views layout commands are now available in main menu (for top-level split mode) and in every viewport in "Split" menu. The view can be split right from the menu.
- Views splitting is removed when you drag the splitter to the edge of the view. This allows to manage views splitting in way more user-friendly mode.
- ETS2 1.50: prefab export version 24.
- Bug fix: SCS export version affected by version of recently imported file.