Moving many materials at once?

GTA:V Modding with ZModeler3 discussion.
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Moving many materials at once?

Post by ClockBanana »

Is there a way to select multiple materials in the browser and move them up all at once? Or do you have to do it 1 by 1
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Re: Moving many materials at once?

Post by Oleg »

no, you can't drag&drop several materials at a time. multiple materials selection is generally for being able to apply some settings to a set of material (or delete a set of materials at once). The logic of drag&sorting a randomly selected set of materials is not quite clear (e.g. you can drop materials between a pair of two selected materials, what should happen on such a sorting/rearranging operation?). That is why drag&drop of multiple materials is not available.

yes, there could be cases when you select a straight sequence of materials and wish to move them (for example) to beginning - the logic and purpose on this kind of drag&sort is clear, but this is just a specific situation when drag&sort is predictable and result is obvious for the user.
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