ZModeler3 pricing tier

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ZModeler3 pricing tier

Post by Oleg »

It is ten years passed since ZModeler3 have been released to the market. Today I post the news my customers will dislike for sure, but this is the only option to keep the project running and evaluating. It is about a year since I have moved from Russia to Slovakia and now I have to finally adjust the financial setup of the project.

ZModeler3 is now served by Zanoza Software Ltd. incorporated in a country of Georgia and by me personally as a Slovak individual entrepreneur. Due to the difference of accounting rules and tax rates, this significantly changes a cost per transaction on every license I sale, so I have to increase the cost of ZModeler3 license. To reduce the effect on my customers, the raise for the long-term license is much lower than the raise on short-term licenses.

The advertised 3.50 per month can be reached by purchasing a 720-days license, while the single purchase of short term 30-days license is twice of this price.