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ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 5:09 am
by Oleg
ZModeler3 has moved to the new server. Its uptime and response time should be the same or even better, so in general your should not notice any difference.
To summarize recent updates and bug fixes, I have re-uploaded the latest version of ZModeler. It is still version 3.2.1, but contains the latest versions of all components. As an addition, the package includes Autodesk FBX filter for import and export. This filter could be a good alternative to bring models to or from 3D packages of your choice, as it can retain Skeleton, rigging information, multiple UV channels, multiple color channels, normals and tangents. Yet you might still need to play around with objects scale or axis system before and after importing models, but it's still a much better choice than commonly used Wavefront OBJ model format.

Keep in mind that ZModeler does not handle geometry objects with more than 64K vertices, so heavy geometry meshes will get exported as a group of objects combined together. Also, native LODs system in FBX differs from the one offered by ZModeler and games: the LOD object in FBX can not have any child other than LOD geometry, so you might get incorrect hierarchy when exporting scene containing LOD (compounds).

FBX does not offer much freedom and flexibility still, so most of user-defined or ZModeler-specific data can not be retained in FBX file, be it object/elements properties, IDs, or user-defined data. Also, materials and shaders system offered in FBX can not retain all the material's data you have in ZModeler, be it dual-layer or triple-layer materials. I did my best to make conversion of ZModeler materials to FBX materials as close as possible to avoid loosing texture layers assignment, but you will still need to do a big job on materials before you export scene from ZModeler into the game.

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 2:54 am
by man3Dfan
Добрый день!
FBX отличный фильтр, спасибо!
только после импорта в занозу вершинок в 3 раза больше, чем в OBJ, в опциях при экспорте FBX, вроде все галочки перетыкал, всё равно вершинок много..

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 8:18 am
by Oleg
В FBX я встроил автоматическую склейку вершинок - это как опция "optimize vertices" у OBJ. Т.е. режим склейки вершинок всегда включен. Вершинки склеиваются с минимальным допуском (просто погрешность вычислений чтоб исключить), поэтому если они не склеились, какие-то данные на вершинках существенно различаются. может быть нормали у них не совпадают и поэтому они не склеиваются. посмотри опции экспорта нормалей - чтоб они были больше к вершинкам привязаны а не к полигонам.

ещё на импорте выключи "Convert axis system" - может она мешает. Но вообще, я несколько разных сцен FBX прогонял - все склеивались хорошо. Если прям никак не получается, скинь мне файл (если можно самый маленькний - хоть три полигона оставь), я посмотрю, почему не склеиваются вершины.

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 3:32 pm
by B4RT
Thanks @Oleg for keep improving the program, cant wait for more features to come!!!

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 11:52 am
by VanTrans
The recent update messed up the export feature, it doesn't load all the way to export anything

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 6:39 am
by Oleg
May you please provide more details on what exactly is wrong? Mind to specify which format you are importing/exporting.

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 10:29 pm
by Yoha
.fbx is a very useful update!

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:52 am
by Guest
Who do I talk to about getting back in my zmodeler account?

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 6:39 pm
by noramila
ZModeler3’s update with the FBX filter is great for better compatibility! Despite some limitations, it’s a helpful addition for handling rigging and UV data efficiently.

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2024 2:05 am
by Oleg
noramila wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 6:39 pm ZModeler3’s update with the FBX filter is great for better compatibility! Despite some limitations, it’s a helpful addition for handling rigging and UV data efficiently.
your recent posts look like chatGPT. there is no reason to bump old topics with arbitrary information.

Re: ZModeler3 has moved to the new server

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2024 7:11 pm
by noramila
Sorry for posting in an old topic. I just wanted to mention that the FBX filter is really helpful.