Hello Oleg, how are you?
I was thinking about a tool that would really help us Zmodeler users.
It would be a selection tool like the vertex paint brush, selecting only where you press, like painting a selection.
It would have the same controls as vertex paint, except for the colors, with Brush, Pressure, Size and Hardness.
If you like it, we would be very happy to have this new tool in our beloved Zmodeler3.
A new Selection Tool
Moderator: Oleg
Re: A new Selection Tool
and what would be the effect of selection brush "pressure" and "hardness"? should it select any vertex that is within brush bounds or every vertex should reach some "selection weight painted" before it becomes selected?
Re: A new Selection Tool
In this case, it would select any vertex or polygon that the brush reaches, and the "pressure" and "hardness" would be to make the selection more precise or with a greater "spread", but thinking about it, I believe that only the "size" would do that. It would be interesting to be able to use it in both vertex and polygon form (to use Detach or apply a material to the selected area)