Arranging commands bar buttons

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Arranging commands bar buttons

Post by Oleg »

Arranging commands bar buttons

ZModeler does not allow you to sort buttons or compose your own tabs or panels with your preferable tools, but you can arrange buttons on your behalf and hide buttons that you don't use.

First of all, buttons resize is performed when you hold Ctrl key down:


Thus, you can resize individual buttons to make ZModeler show them with/without text label and using big or small icon.

Second, buttons that can't be fit at the moment goes to flyout menu. You might seen a "right arrow" button in a commands bar, but you might miss the very small right arrow in a buttons group, like "Submesh". When you click on this button, a flyout menu with hidden buttons appears:


Hiding unnecessary buttons

Knowing about buttons resize and the fact that ZModeler hides buttons that it can't fit on your commands bar, you can force it to hide buttons you don't want to be shown constantly. Here's an example:

1. Resize group panel (an/or entire commands bar panel) to gain more free space:


2. Resize vertically the button(s) you don't want to be shown by default:


3. Reduce panel height back to normal and make sure the button(s) don't fit:


4. Once resize is complete, the button will disapper:
